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Rudder Alignment question

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 7:47 pm
by Wondervu
My wife and I recently purchased a 1986 Prout 37 Snowgoose and are preparing to take it to the Bahamas. We purchased the boat through a broker and have not been able to contact the owners. Everything on the boat appears to be well thought out and maintained but we are wondering about the rudders, which are adjusted slightly out at the stern (when the boat is steered straight ahead) rather than being perfectly aligned with the hulls. Is this intentional or should I adjust the rudders back in to align with the hulls?

Thank you for any help or guidance,


Re: Rudder Alignment question

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:12 am
by DavyH
Hi Curt,
I too have a Snowgoose elite. The rudders on my cat also point outside a little. I'm not sure if this is standard or not however I have never had a problem with it. Please let me know if you find the correct answer.

Re: Rudder Alignment question

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2016 10:55 am
by wuzzy10
I wonder if it is trying to copy the steering geometry of a car, where, whilst turning, the inner wheel (rudder) on the inside of the turn has to deflect more to better assist the turning circle?